Our purpose simple, be who He created us to be, nothing more.  My life errs on the side of downpour. But instead of running through it with my coat over my head (curly-hair girls, you understand) I have decided to try and dancing in the rain.  To pencil life in.  To stop and smell the roses.  Or coffee, coffee smells amazing! 

I have many loves to share on this blog, as well as many mountains.  My loves include Interior Design, Travel, Faith, Family, Friendship, Food (lest I get hangry), and alas...Coffee.  Coffee all day. My mountains are Infertility, Loss, Grief, Addiction, and ironically, Faith again.  But these are the things that make my life my life.  

He says to the snow, Fall on the earth, and to the rainshower, be a mighty downpour

JOB 37:6


Oklahoma girl with many hats - wife, dog mom, daughter, sister, friend, student, teacher, and interior designer.  I was raised humbly and wholeheartedly by two loving parents in red-dirt country along with my little brother.  I was always encouraged to try hard and never give up.  I was told money doesn't grow on trees.  I know that family comes first. I know that God's love is unconditional.  That honesty is the best policy.  And that "bless your heart" isn't always a compliment.

I've recently decided to redesign my life.  After years of hustle (pushing, proving, pleasing, competition, always burning the candle at both ends) I had forgotten that God doesn't require us to earn our worthiness.   Recently I have experienced loss in many forms, which can cause a Type A control freak like me to spin out.  But my sweet Momma told me once in a time of despair that "roses don't have thorns, thorns have roses."  This blog is a rose.

My new project is to render myself worthy.  Worthy of all my blessings as well as my prayers.  Render myself worthy of this crazy life.  And to feed my creative soul.

 Join me, won’t you?
— Chandler Bing