SUNDAY BEST: Time for Us
Sunday Best is where I plan to spend time reflecting on the last 7 days and decide what the high of my week was. In weeks where the lows seem never ending, I think taking the time to find my blessings will be good for the soul. This week I solicited the help of my husband. I discovered that by doing so it started a conversation we might not have had and now I’m really excited to continue this series. We both agreed that being able to spend time with each other, where we could actually talk and enjoy our relationship, was such a blessing this week. We went to breakfast on Saturday at Neighborhood Jam, I emptied coffee cup after coffee cup, we reviewed our humble and remaining Christmas List, and chatted about the week. I truly believe neither of us take for granted what we have and making time to nurture that relationship is something we actually enjoy. As we approach Christmas Eve tomorrow I love knowing that no matter how this holiday goes or how many sad moments there may be, I’m never alone. “Can I get an Amen.”