

I'm Erin. Welcome to my humble online abode. I live and work in Norman, Oklahoma and started this blog to journal my infertility journey but also to share projects, obsessions and inspirations. My passion is interior design but I have many loves, many mountains, and always speak from my heart which you can usually find on my sleeve. I hope to inspire your heart to create beautiful spaces, work hard, pray harder, and remember to pencil life in. Always.

SUNDAY BEST: Hey Mountain…

SUNDAY BEST: Hey Mountain…


This weekend we traveled home from Colorado. This was our second trip for egg retrieval with CCRM and first attempt to bank embryos - future siblings for our precious July embaby; frozen and waiting until the time is right. We struggled so much with the decision to return for banking. The financial burden was almost too much to fathom and the gamble incredibly risky. We only have one normal blastocyst after everything this summer. We are grateful, indeed, but the what-ifs that kept whispering to us throughout the decision making process got louder and louder. Finally, we heard the sound of our own faith and knew there was no other choice but to go back to the mountains and follow our gut that we are meant to create our family, even in this way. No mater the cost. And this week, we felt the reassurance like warm sunshine on our face that we were just where we were supposed to be. I can not wait to share more about this second trip here soon. But for today I am reminded of one of my favorite sayings

“Don’t tell God how big your mountain is. Tell the mountain how big your God is.”

Our Next Mountain:  A Second Egg Retrieval for Embryo Banking

Our Next Mountain: A Second Egg Retrieval for Embryo Banking

My New Relationship with Clean Beauty

My New Relationship with Clean Beauty