

I'm Erin. Welcome to my humble online abode. I live and work in Norman, Oklahoma and started this blog to journal my infertility journey but also to share projects, obsessions and inspirations. My passion is interior design but I have many loves, many mountains, and always speak from my heart which you can usually find on my sleeve. I hope to inspire your heart to create beautiful spaces, work hard, pray harder, and remember to pencil life in. Always.

Kitchen Design I Am Working on: Concept Phase

Kitchen Design I Am Working on: Concept Phase

I recently started working with a couple they live in my neighborhood. They are wanting a full kitchen remodel that will accommodate entertaining family, friends and grand kids throughout the year.  And because they live nearby, I knew before I got there we would be working with a home built in the 60’s where the kitchen was not prioritized in the floor plan.  During this time kitchens were considered “work spaces” rather than “social spaces” which most modern day kitchens double as. They love to cook so new appliances and a large island were top of the wish list.  Also on the wish list was a place to serve as a concealed wet bar, storage (who doesn’t have that on their kitchen wish list), expanding the pantry by taking from the adjacent garage, and room for seating during casual get-togethers and card games.  It was quite the list for a small kitchen, but as soon as I started collecting inspiration images I found a lot of long narrow islands with plenty of real estate for different zones of activity. I also loved having one end of the island open, to house stools when not in use and offer leg-room when seated with company in the kitchen.    Finishes are only conceptual at this stage but they did know they wanted white cabinetry with maybe some touches of blue and loved subway tile. Say no more. That I can do! Here are the initial concept images from the phase I rendering and the kitchens that inspired the design. Have comments? Shoot! I’m all ears!

Kitchens should be designed around what’s truly important…...

fun, food, and life.

Chef Daniel Boulud

Here are some of the inspo kitchens that influenced this space. You can browse all of the images for this project on my Pinterest in the Westbrooke Terrace board!

(all photo credits and sources can be found via Pinterest link)

Cut out Caffeine, They Said.  It'll Be Easy, They Said..

Cut out Caffeine, They Said. It'll Be Easy, They Said..

New Book: Whole New You

New Book: Whole New You