

I'm Erin. Welcome to my humble online abode. I live and work in Norman, Oklahoma and started this blog to journal my infertility journey but also to share projects, obsessions and inspirations. My passion is interior design but I have many loves, many mountains, and always speak from my heart which you can usually find on my sleeve. I hope to inspire your heart to create beautiful spaces, work hard, pray harder, and remember to pencil life in. Always.

Cut out Caffeine, They Said.  It'll Be Easy, They Said..

Cut out Caffeine, They Said. It'll Be Easy, They Said..


Trust me, coffee is my magic feather [clapping hands for the new Dumbo movie here]. I’ve mentioned in a previous post that I’ve taken the plunge into a Fertility Reboot diet. Actually Derick and I both have. I was introduced to this diet, along with tons of other amazing content, through my fertility coach Robyn Birkin. Man am I glad I found this sweet but fierce Aussie. But I have to tell you, even though I was all in and ready to make HUGE changes to my diet and routines, I may have weeped a little over saying goodbye to the good stuff. Wine? Yes I was sad to hide the corkscrew for now and may have said a prayer or two since. But coffee???? Talk about being strong! This is my lifeline!!!!

It’s been over two weeks now since I’ve had a drop of booze or caffeine. But I HAVE found some amazing alternatives to the liquid happiness I’ve spent years having afternoon affairs with. Not to mention starting every day with this old pal! So, I thought I would share some of my fave finds here for anyone else trying to breakup with caffeine. Trust me, coffee. It’s me. Not you.

Derick and I are loving our new glass pour-over we got ourselves for Christmas. It’s so easy and doesn’t have any plastic parts, even the filter is stainless steel. Plus the coffee tastes amazing. We got a 6-cup size carafe and usually only make half for weekday mornings. Just enough for a nice sized cup of joe. Decaf of course. But its got what it takes to trick my brain into thinking it’s time to look alive. The key to finding a good decaf is making sure of the process used to decaffeinate the coffee. Water-filtered is what we look for. The Swiss water decaffeination process was developed in Switzerland and no chemicals are used to get the job done. The method is almost exclusively used for organic coffee decaffeination, which is a win-win!

I’ve been opting for organic coconut milk in place of creamer when I’m in the mood. I’ve decided I like it over almond milk in my coffee. Other alternatives are teas. I’m usually only a hot tea person before bed. But I’ve recently been introduced to a few new morning or daytime flavors that are caffeine free! My life-long friend, Jamie, came through on this one with the teeccino. It has the rich roasted flavors of a coffee with no acidity and no caffeine. This hazelnut is next on my list to try: “Buttery hazelnuts enriched by golden-roasted almonds against dark roasted chicory roots, slightly sweetened by dates & figs .”

Rooibos tea is another new afternoon tea ritual of mine. It’s earthy and flavorful and packed with antioxidants. Check out some other health benefits of rooibos tea here.

So far so good! I’m actually surviving this caffeine hiatus better than expected. And the good news is I won’t have to stop Istagramming beautiful steaming hot cups of coffee in well-designed coffee shops any time soon. I’ll drink to that!

Do's and Don'ts for Supporting a Friend with Infertility

Do's and Don'ts for Supporting a Friend with Infertility

Kitchen Design I Am Working on: Concept Phase

Kitchen Design I Am Working on: Concept Phase