

I'm Erin. Welcome to my humble online abode. I live and work in Norman, Oklahoma and started this blog to journal my infertility journey but also to share projects, obsessions and inspirations. My passion is interior design but I have many loves, many mountains, and always speak from my heart which you can usually find on my sleeve. I hope to inspire your heart to create beautiful spaces, work hard, pray harder, and remember to pencil life in. Always.

Spring Break in Colorado Springs

Spring Break in Colorado Springs

It wasn’t long after the start of the spring semester that I started itching for a getaway. After missing my niece with a hole in my heart Derick and I decided to book the sweetest little yellow Airbnb cottage in Colorado Springs for the week of break #airbnbfirsttimers. We also decided to take Ani Rose on her first vacation to make things extra crazy. We like to gamble (not really, I prefer shopping). We looked forward to the trip and bugged poor Shelbie with excited texts and gifs until the day we left. You’re welcome, Shelb.

We had the best time. We strolled and shopped Old Colorado City and Manitou Springs. One of my favorite finds was Radiantly Raw Chocolate in Manitou. We found it by mistake when I was sniffing out a coffee shop. And then it happened. “Organic, Non GMO, no refined sugar, gluten free, dairy free, soy free”…..and DELICIOUS! We bought so much chocolate I refuse to report our final bill. But. It was SO worth it.

We also found Pub Dog and fell in love with this concept: eat with your dog (don’t mind if I do!). The queso arrived in a shiny stainless dog bowl and the pups could order off the menu too! Outside was designed with a play area, tables for “parents” and water bowls.

We brunched at Denver Biscuit Company where I met “Lola,” a beauty made of buttermilk fried chicken, bacon, housemade honey butter, covered in pure maple syrup. Yes. We cheated on our “diet” and only regret it a little. Lola was worth it. Frozen Gold was conveniently right next door (although we did not visit in the same trip - that would’ve been crazy). Soft serve ice cream with a “softcore” of goodness, rolled in sweet or savory munchies. I got the Samoa Samoa. You guessed it - girl scout cookie inspired, and VEGAN! Toasted Coconut Soft Serve, Candied Rice Krispies™, Toasted Coconut, Brown Sugar Fudge, Salted Carmel SOFTCORE™. Check out their menu and definitely make a stop if you are ever on East Moreno. You’ll only regret it a little.

I got nostalgic when we toured Cave of the Winds thinking back to my family vacation in 1990. It was still just as fascinating as before and you can’t beat the views, inside and out. I love a good stalactite.

Our last day in Colorado Springs was a beautiful day perfect to drive up Pikes Peak with the pups. I also have fond memories of Pikes Peak with my mom, dad and brother but this was Derick’s first trip. The peak of the week, however, was definitely getting to spend time with Shelbie and Christian (and Renegade!) making memories we’ll always remember. I took full advantage of the cutest little retro kitchen and introduced them to avocado toast in the mornings and made pesto pasta with artichoke for dinner. At night, we hung out and watched hilarious YouTube videos of the Terror-Dactyl - a ride for thrill seekers that drops you in to the canyon right outside Cave of the Winds (This one is our favorite and we laughed until our stomachs hurt. Also try Googling “funny Terror-Dactyl videos” if you ever need to spend an hour of your life belly-laughing.) This trip was good for my soul and I am so glad we went. You basically had to peel Shelbie and I apart when it came time for good-byes. Despite the snow storm and tornado warnings on the second trip home (yes I said “second” but that’s a story for another time) we even managed to squeeze in Mexican food with my Uncle Kenny in Amarillo. It was a grown up spring break. And now my favorite spring break ever.

Quick Trips to Chicago

Quick Trips to Chicago

Infertility Through The Eyes of My Husband

Infertility Through The Eyes of My Husband