

I'm Erin. Welcome to my humble online abode. I live and work in Norman, Oklahoma and started this blog to journal my infertility journey but also to share projects, obsessions and inspirations. My passion is interior design but I have many loves, many mountains, and always speak from my heart which you can usually find on my sleeve. I hope to inspire your heart to create beautiful spaces, work hard, pray harder, and remember to pencil life in. Always.

My Favorite Podcasts for Infertility

My Favorite Podcasts for Infertility

Most days I feel like a fish out of water, smiling through conversations or taking advice from others who have never been in these shoes and have no idea how painful they are; politely and humbly giving passes to everyone just trying to help or innocently naive to my current situation. In my little world, I don’t know anyone personally that has a similar journey, to the point of failed IVF’s. As humans we long to connect. And when there is literally no one around that understands the world can seem pretty lonely. Therapy has been helpful, with many different mountains. But even then, no matter how clinically qualified, if that person has never walked this path it can be hard to assimilate - even in that safe setting.

After years of searching online for discussion boards and other blogs that made me feel, let’s be honest - less crazy, I’ve recently turned to some podcasts that have really hit the nail on the head. Discussions that dive into topics that keep you distracted at work. Guests who are practicing reproductive endocrinologists or naturopathic physicians. Humor that only someone deep into TTC would get. And believe me, it is SO good to laugh about Googling CM until 2am!

So here is a list of my current favorite podcasts. A lot of times I listen at bedtime which helps comfort my mind, not feel so alone, and drift off to sleep. Would love to hear of any others so please comment if you’ve got 'em!

Fertility Warrior

Robyn Birkin is one badass Aussie. I first came to know her through her Fertility Warrior Intensive at the very beginning of 2019 when I realized I was rock bottom and it was time for an overhaul. I’m telling you right now - this was the best money I’ve spent this year. The Intensive supplied me with support, discussion, a diet plan and so many tools I did not have for self preservation prior to working through the modules each week. Her podcast is real and relatable. Robyn is authentic and has a great sense of humor. This is definitely my numero uno. Plus if you love her (as much as I do) she just opened up the new Warrior Intensive with added content and is now 12 weeks instead of 6 weeks! It’s basically a fertility survival plan and the cost is well worth it if you think about how much you’ve spent on all of that maca powder, pineapple, acupuncture, counseling…….shall I continue?? You can thank me later. Check out her podcast to see what she’s all about.


I recently found BFN (an acronym in the TTC world that stands for “Big Fat Negative” referring to pregnancy tests) and really like it so far. Emma and Gabby are two boss ladies/ journalists/friends in the UK that decided to start a podcast to discuss IVF, their stories and struggles of infertility, as well as all of the fun stuff that goes along with that - hormones, mood swings, bad skin, friend fall-outs, and caffeine withdrawal There’s swearing but if it doesn’t bother you then you will find these two quite endearing, and they’re accents don’t hurt a bit. They have a ton of episodes to get caught up on that I promise will speak you to. They do warn you about triggers which I love because if you are having a hard day it’s nice to have a heads up and maybe skip that episode. These chicks are absolutely hilarious, though, and it’s crazy how a British accent classes up even the raunchiest conversation.

Beat Infertility

This one is weekly where the dialog aims to empower you to take back control and provide hope for the future. Each episode features someone who’s overcome infertility and someone who’s still on their journey. They also discuss a whole range of diagnoses including PCOS, endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve / premature ovarian failure, luteal phase defects, male factor infertility, multiple or recurrent miscarriages, ovulatory disorders, secondary infertility and unexplained infertility. They welcome you with “whether you haven’t yet made your first appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist or you’re an IUI or IVF veteran, this podcast will deliver hope directly to your ear.” It’s a great place for starting out on a quest for support or looking for information on endometriosis, which has helped me.

Fertile Ground

Spenser Brassard is a certified life coach and focuses the podcast on a mind-body approach. She aims to enable you to solve your fertiflity struggle, finally get pregnant, and “become the mama-bear you know you are.” Her mind-body method has proven to increase your chances of pregnancy by 55%. This is the place to slow down your day, feel your feelings, and shift that dark cloud in your mind to a healthy, happy desire. Because getting mind and body on board is your best path to “baby on board. - Spenser says. I recently listened to You Don’t Need to be Perfect to Get Pregnant and Are You Triggered By Pregnancy Announcements? Yep. It’s good stuff.

Forever 35

This one isn’t necessarily infertility based but I highly recommend it nonetheless. Kate and Doree are just two friends that talk about masks, serums, exercise, nutrition, meditation, anxiety and stress and how it all takes on new meaning as they age. It’s great for a laugh but Doree is has actually struggled with infertility and is an IVF success story. How to Feel Okay When Life Is Not offers advice to a woman feeling despondent and isolated while going through IVF and pregnancy loss as she approaches her 40th birthday. Um…..heeellllooooo [raising hand here]. You will have moods though where you will want to skip certain recent episodes that include pregnancy topics but there are tons of episodes like Ready Set Boundaries, Failing Safely, or Alone in a Crowd that can definitely transfer. And when you need to disconnect from the hold of infertility and feel normal for a hot minute you’ll really enjoy The Great Micellar Debate or Career Rejuvenation , not to mention Nose Hair and Me Time which is a mini-episode that includes an awesome Sephora hack. I feel like I could hang out with these two.

Creating a Family

Creating a Family is the national infertility, adoption, & foster care education and support nonprofit. Their mission is to strengthen families through unbiased education and support for infertility patients, adoptive parents, foster parents, and allied professionals. Their show is geared towards those struggling infertility as well as pre and post-adoptive families and foster/kinship care families. Every week, they interview leading experts in the infertility and adoption fields about a wide range of topics. “We use the podcast model for our show so that people can listen whenever is convenient, and all ten years worth of older shows are available to download.” This one is fantastic for educating yourself and has a plethora of resources available which they constantly add to, averaging four new resources a week! Look no further for a research binge from a reliable source.

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