Our Fertility Diet: How We're Doing After 4 Months
So we’ve made it a whole four months on the fertility diet we started the end of January. Has it been easy? Solid NO. That said, I would shoot castor oil three times a day if it meant we could get pregnant. But I digress. We completed the cleanse during the first month and have since been staying pretty loyal to the regimen, with a few moments of grace when on vacation etc. We’ve had lots of interesting questions along the way such as: “how long do you have to do this?” or “oh that sucks, can you have (fill in the blank)?” and my favorite “how much weight have you lost?” To be clear, this is an elective diet and we don’t have to do any of it, we want to. We desperately want to so cutting out dairy, as hard as saying no to cheese really is, does not make that much of a difference in our lives #justsayno. “How long?” For me, until we’re pregnant (but I’m crazy, so…). And no, I have not lost a pound. But that is not the goal. The word “diet” seems to be synonymous with weight loss but we are just focused on putting things in our body that are healthy and support optimal endocrine/hormone levels for conception. Soy, for example, is a hormone disruptor. Dairy is inflammatory and is also a no-no for endometriosis. No booze has definitely been a gut-check but I figure if my brother can do it for four years I can do it too. Caffeine……I have my organic decaf Trader Joe’s coffee (see my previous post on caffeine), so life is manageable.
Has been Complicated? Okay, a little...BUT It’s gotten easier and we’ve found some great new recipes and meals during this time! It feels good to know that we are proactively working towards a healthy Momma and Daddy one day and advocating for ourselves. Sometimes in the midst of the unknown it just makes you feel better to be doing SOMETHING. We do have our moments where we allow ourselves a pass but try not to loosen the reins too much. One of the most helpful things I’ve heard on the Fertility Warrior Podcast (from this post) is to give yourself a break. You know, nix the self-scolding if you find yourself in a week moment. It’s just gluten for God’s sake. You haven’t ruined everything, just get back on the horse!
So here is a snapshot of our fertility diet and I’ll post some of our go-to meals soon! Derick already has a list of favorites.
*I’ve recently had some blood work come back with deficiencies suggesting anemia and am in the process of some additional tests including a uterine sonogram and biopsy. Therefor I have added red meat back into my diet for maximum iron intake.