SUNDAY BEST: Early Sunday Morning IUI
This Sunday we woke up at 6am, put on comfy clothes, and headed to our endocrinologist for our eighth or ninth IUI. Yes, we’ve lost count. We haven’t done an IUI in two years where our most recent procedures were IVFs. But surprisingly, we were in good spirits. We’ve been eating healthy and living as clean of a life as possible. W'e’re in a better place physically and spiritually than were were even with our IVF procedures. Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining (or maybe we just noticed it this time). We had a break between the hub’s appointment and the actual procedure so we went out for breakfast at Hatch to kill time. We stuck to our diets but didn’t regret it. I ordered bruleed steel cut oats covered in fresh berries and bananas with a hot herbal spearmint lavender tea. Basically licked the bowl clean #notsorry. We prayed on the phone with our sweet pastor and took a walk down Automobile Alley enjoying each other’s company, the sunshine, and the summer morning air before heading back to the clinic. It was the perfect reprieve to calm our minds and feed our souls. Even though there was a small complication during, the procedure was successfully completed by the help of a fellow doctor in the practice. The rest of the afternoon we’ve remained calm, in prayer and in good spirits still. As we enter the dreaded two week wait I pray for the same peace that we’ve carried with us today and that we remain faithful even in the difficult times of discouragement. It is with sweet sweet hope that I choose this Sunday as the peak of my week.